Monday, October 29, 2007

In a World...

Sometimes, the hardest part about writing any form or style of copy is the first word...

Case in point: I'm working on my web copy and, ironically enough, I'm at the section about my copy services. I begin to write when it all freezes up and I start repeating my opening thoughts over and over in my head. Essentially, I am trying to convey how important clear, concise, compelling, brief, results oriented copy is (especially because so much importance is placed on graphics over copy.)

But I get stuck by starting my sentence with "In a world..."

Sometime, I will use "In a world..." sentences when I need to put something down in order to let my thoughts flow out. By the time I have 3 or 4 statements down, I usually find my leading line and then I delete the "In a world..." statement.

However, for some reason today, all I could write after my first "In a world..." sentence was an "In a time..." sentence.

This got me laughing because all I could think of after that is the movie trailer for Jerry Seinfeld's "Comedian."

...and that was the end of my concentration.

Enjoy! :D